Eberron Campaign

Writeups for our gaming groups' Dungeons and Dragons campaign, set in Wizards of the Coast's Eberron campaign setting. Game recently resumed after hiatus.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

PC Stat Block - Metal Guy (AKA Will Answer to Anything for I am no Longer at the Beck and Call of Man)

Will Answer to Anything for I am no Longer at the Beck and Call of Man, Male Warforged Mnk4: CR 5; Medium Construct Living (Living Construct); HD 4d8+12(Monk) ; hp 13; Init +2; Spd 40; AC:16 (Flatfooted:14 Touch:14); Atk +5 base melee, +5 base ranged; +5 (1d8+2, Unarmed strike); +5 (1d8+2, Unarmed strike); +6 (1d6+2, Javelin, Masterwork); +5 (1d6+2, Javelin); SQ: Immunity: Poison (Ex), Immunity: Sleep Effects (Ex), Immunity: Paralysis (Ex), Immunity: Disease (Ex), Immunity: Fatigue (Ex), Immunity: Exhaustion (Ex), No Natural Healing (Ex), Immunity: Nausea (Ex), Vulnerability: Chill Metal (Ex), Vulnerability: Heat Metal (Ex), Vulnerability: Repel Metal or Stone (Ex), Vulnerability: Repel Wood (Ex), Vulnerability: Rusting Grasp (Ex), Can be raised or resurrected (Ex), Light Fortification (Ex), Immunity: Energy Drain (Ex), Action Points Dice Rolled 1, Action Points 7; AL LN; SV Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6; STR 14, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 9.

Skills: Craft (Blacksmithing) +0, Hide +9, Jump +6, Knowledge (Religion) +1, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Perform (Dance) +3, Spot +3, Tumble +6, Use Rope +4.

Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Stunning Fist.


Weapons: Alchemist`s fire (20 gp); Javelin, Masterwork (301 gp); Javelin, Masterwork (301 gp); Javelin (1 gp); Javelin (1 gp); Alchemist`s fire (20 gp); Alchemist`s fire (20 gp).

Goods: Coin: gp (46) (46 gp); Warforged repair kit (50 gp); Block and tackle (5 gp); Crowbar (2 gp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Hammer (5 sp); Lamp, common (1 sp); Oil (pint) (1 sp); Piton (5) (5 sp); Rope, silk (50 ft.) (10 gp); Spade (2 gp); Whetstone (2 cp); Black opal (1,000 gp); Amethyst (4) (400 gp); Backpack (2 gp); Coin: sp (14) (14 sp); Coin: cp (36) (36 cp); Fintail tooth (2) (0 gp).

Magic: Potion: Repair Light Damage (1) (50 gp); Potion: Repair Light Damage (1) (50 gp); Potion: Bull`s Strength (3) (300 gp); Potion: Bull`s Strength (3) (300 gp); Wondrous: Warforged Composite Armor (0 gp); Potion: Magic Weapon (1) (50 gp); Potion: Magic Weapon (1) (50 gp); Potion: Shield of Faith (1) (50 gp).


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