Eberron Campaign

Writeups for our gaming groups' Dungeons and Dragons campaign, set in Wizards of the Coast's Eberron campaign setting. Game recently resumed after hiatus.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Adventures 20-21 - Tempest Jade's Legacy

Part I

12 Aryth 999 GY (equivalent to mid-November)
Featuring Baqar, Metal Guy, Quarion, Sharpeye

Notable NPCs, Locations, and Organizations

  • Aundair - Kingdom in north-central Khorvaire. Aundair lost its vast western frontier, the Eldeen Reaches, during the Last War and traded land with the theocratic nation of Thrane. Metal Guy, Quarion, and Jory have minor noble titles in Aundair in thanks for their saving two if the queen's nieces and nephews over a year earlier.
  • Barhest Barony - Barony in northern Aundair, nestled between the Starspeak Mountains and the Whispering Wood.
  • Sharn - Largest metropolis on Eberron, dominated by towers stretching impossibly high into the sky.


After a series of adventures culminating in the destruction of the Shadow Key and ending the shadar-kai's attempt to meld Eberron with the Plane of Shadow, our heroes were enjoying some well-deserved time-off. Departing from the elven kingdom of Aerenal, they spent the end of the summer in the metropolis of Sharn, using much of their treasure to purchase new gear (and for Metal Guy to donate more money to orphanages in Sharn). They then took the lightning rail to Aundair and retired to Barhest Barony, where they had nominal noble title - though a representative of the crown handled day to day business operations, it was good to get some face-time in.

After a few months relaxing our heroes began contemplating further adventures. However, before they could make any solid plans, adventure came to them. Quarion and Metal Guy were sizing up a new visitor to the town, the Shifter Druid Sharpeye, when the alarm bell went off. Scanning the gray late-autumn horizon, they saw the cause of the alarm - a large green dragon swooping towards Barhest from the north. While the villagers fled, our heroes prepared for the attack - though at Quarion's urging, not sticking too close together. No point in all of them dying from one blast of its acid breath. The dragon didn't swoop to the ground - it seemed more focused on destroying the town, breaking down buildings with its breath. Metal Guy climbed the watchtower and leaped on its neck. The dragon proved unable to get the pest of its neck. Quarion pelted it with arrows while Sharpeye summoned lighting from the sky to smite the dragon. Frustrated, the dragon dove to the ground to get Metal Guy off; Metal Guy tumbled away just before the wyrm impacted on the ground. Fluffy, Baqar's clawfoot dinosaur companion, wasted no time, delivering a sequence of claws and bites as Quarion and Baqar charged at the dragon and Sharpeye continued to summon lightning. Frustrated, the dragon flew back off to the north.

Before our heroes could begin damage control, a teleporter from House Orien arrived with an agent of the Aundair crown - perhaps he could explain why they had been attacked...

Part II

13-16 Aryth 999 GY (equivalent to mid-November)
Featuring Baqar, Metal Guy, Quarion, Bail Tranya

Notable NPCs, Locations, and Organizations

  • Aundair - Kingdom in north-central Khorvaire. Aundair lost its vast western frontier, the Eldeen Reaches, during the Last War and traded land with the theocratic nation of Thrane. Metal Guy, Quarion, and Jory have minor noble titles in Aundair in thanks for their saving two if the queen's nieces and nephews over a year earlier.
  • Barhest Barony - Barony in northern Aundair, nestled between the Starspeak Mountains and the Whispering Wood.
  • Whispering Wood - Forest in Northern Aundair; considered haunted by many, notable for a monolith near the northern edge known for whispering prophecies.


Erben Thiel, agent of the royalty of Aundair arrived, accompanied by the half-elf trickster Bail Tranya of House Lyrander. Erben explained that the dragon had kidnapped Baron Kahl of Karrnath - a member of the Karrnath royalty visiting as part of an exchange program. Tempest Jade wanted lots of gold along with an ancient amulet in the hands of the Academy at Aranix. A little bit of probing revealed that Jade had worked for Aundair during the Last War. Bail knew something as well - House Lyrander had lost an airship above the Whispering Wood, at the hand of a dragon. Their contacts indicated a centaur tribe within the wood would know the dragon's lair. This being a delicate situation (not a good idea to go to the King of Karrnath, with all his undead legions, and say "oops, sorry, we misplaced your nephew"), our heroes aid was greatly appreciated.

Jory stayed behind to watch over the village while Baqar, Metal Guy, Quarion, and Bail cut through the woods. Sharpeye circled the perimeter of the woods to meet with them on the other side - and hopefully meet with the centaurs.

Going through the woods, our hero ran afoul of a small pack of owlbears which ambushed them near a cairn of skulls that marked a wild magic area. They also had to deal with an atttack by a seven-legged drider (cleverly named "Seven") and his Aranea allies. However they made it through them and continued on their merry way...


To be awarded after dragon is finally defeated.


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Final Level 5 Stat Blocks

Baqar (CR 5, HD 5d8+5)
Action Points Halfling (Lightfoot) Rgr5
LG Small Humanoid (Halfling)
Init +3 Spd 20
Senses Listen +6, Spot +5

AC 17 (FF 14, Touch 15)
hp 40 (Disabled -1/Dying -13/Injury 13)
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +4

Atk +8 base melee, +9 base ranged; Grapple +3;
+9 Melee (Sharrash, Talenta, Masterwork 1d8+3/crit 19-20/x4)
+9 Ranged (Dagger 1d3+2/crit 19-20/x2)
+8 Melee (Dagger 1d3+2/crit 19-20/x2)
+10 Ranged (Longbow, composite ( +2 Str Bonus), Masterwork 1d6+2/crit 20/x3)
+9 Melee (+1 Tangat, Talenta 1d8+4/crit 18-20/x2)
SQ: Action Points Dice Rolled 1, Action Points 7
Ranger Features: Favored Enemies (2), Wild Empathy (5+Cha.Mod), Track, Ranger Combat Style, Endurance, Animal Companion, Spells, Favored Enemy: Undead (+4), Archery, Rapid Shot, Favored Enemy: Construct (+2);
Race Features: +2 Bonus on Saves vs. Fear, +1 attack bonus with thrown weapons
Abilities: STR 14, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 9
Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Boomerang, Talenta, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sharrash, Talenta, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Tangat, Talenta, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Rapid Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Track.
Skills: Climb +4, Handle Animal +7, Heal +6, Hide +10, Intimidate +2, Jump +0, Listen +6, Move Silently +10, Ride +13, Search +1, Spot +5, Survival +10, Use Rope +5.
Ranger Spells Prepared (--/1): 1-Magic Fang.
Weapons: +1 Arrow x6; +1 Tangat, Talenta; +2 Arrow; Arrows (20); Burrowing Arrow x2; Dagger; Longbow, composite ( +2 Str Bonus), Masterwork; Sharrash, Talenta, Masterwork. Armor: Leather. (Spell Failure 10%). Goods: Amber (2) (200 gp); Antitoxin (vial); Backpack; Bedroll; Black pearl (3) (1,500 gp); Clawfoot; Coin: gp (2); Coin: pp (2); Fintail tooth (3); Flint and steel; Grappling hook; Healer`s kit; Holy symbol, silver; Pouch, belt; Rations, trail (per day) x5; Rope, silk (50 ft.); Saddle, military; Saddlebags; Torch x2; Torch (3); Waterskin (full) x4. Magic: Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1) x2; Ring of Protection +1.

Second Story Jory (CR 5, HD 5d6+10)
Female Action Points Mark of Finding, Least, Locate Object Human Rog5
CN Medium Humanoid
Init +3 Spd 30
Senses Listen +4, Spot +2

AC 15 (FF 15, Touch 13)
hp 30 (Disabled -2/Dying -14/Injury 14)
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +2
Evasion; Trap Sense +1;
Atk +4 base melee, +6 base ranged; Grapple +4;
+5 Melee (Sword, short, Masterwork 1d6+1/crit 19-20/x2)
+7 Ranged (Crossbow, hand, Masterwork 1d4/crit 19-20/x2)
+6 Ranged (Dagger 1d4+1/crit 19-20/x2)
+6 Ranged (Dart 1d4+1/crit 20/x2)
+5 Melee (Dagger of Venom 1d4+2/crit 19-20/x2)
SQ: Action Points Dice Rolled 1, Action Points 7
Rogue Features: Sneak Attack +3d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Uncanny Dodge;
Abilities: STR 12, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 14
Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Least Dragonmark, Nimble Fingers, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Stealthy.
Skills: Appraise +6, Balance +13, Bluff +3, Climb +9, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +8, Gather Information +4, Hide +11, Jump +10, Listen +4, Move Silently +11, Open Lock +11, Search +11, Sleight of Hand +5, Spot +2, Tumble +13, Use Magic Device +4, Use Rope +8.
Weapons: Bolts, crossbow (10); Crossbow, hand, Masterwork; Dagger x5; Dagger of Venom; Dart x6; Sword, short, Masterwork. Armor: Leather. (Spell Failure 10%). Goods: Azurite (10 gp); Backpack; Carnelian (50 gp); Coin: cp (8); Coin: gp (24); Coin: pp (5); Coin: sp (18); Coral (5) (500 gp); Fire opal (3) (3,000 gp); Grappling hook; Pouch, belt; Red garnet (2) (200 gp); Rope, silk (50 ft.); Thieves` tools, Masterwork; Traveler`s outfit. Magic: Bag of Holding, type I; Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1); Potion of Invisibility (3).

Will Answer to Anything for I am no Longer at the Beck and Call of Man (CR 6, HD 5d8+15)
Action Points Warforged Mnk5
LN Medium Construct Living (Living Construct)
Init +2 Spd 40
Senses Listen +5, Spot +3

AC 19 (FF 17, Touch 16) plus Dodge
hp 41 (Disabled -3/Dying -16/Injury 16)
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6
Immunity: Poison (Ex); Immunity: Sleep Effects (Ex); Immunity: Paralysis (Ex); Immunity: Disease (Ex); Immunity: Fatigue (Ex); Immunity: Exhaustion (Ex); Immunity: Nausea (Ex); Vulnerability: Chill Metal (Ex); Vulnerability: Heat Metal (Ex); Vulnerability: Repel Metal or Stone (Ex); Vulnerability: Repel Wood (Ex); Vulnerability: Rusting Grasp (Ex); Immunity: Energy Drain (Ex); Evasion; Purity of Body;
Atk +5 base melee, +5 base ranged; Grapple +5;
+4/+4 Melee (Unarmed strike 1d8+2/crit 20/x2)
+5 Melee (Unarmed strike 1d8+2/crit 20/x2)
+6 Ranged (Javelin, Masterwork 1d6+2/crit 20/x2)
+5 Ranged (Javelin 1d6+2/crit 20/x2)
SQ: No Natural Healing (Ex), Can be raised or resurrected (Ex), Light Fortification (Ex), Action Points Dice Rolled 1, Action Points 7
Monk Features: Monk Bonus Feat - 1st Level, Improved Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike, Wisdom Bonus to AC (Max: %d), Monk Bonus Feat - 2nd Level, Evasion, Still Mind, Ki Strike (Magic), Slow Fall (20 ft.), AC Bonus (+1), Purity of Body, Stunning Fist, Combat Reflexes;
Abilities: STR 14, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 9
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Stunning Fist.
Skills: Craft (Blacksmithing) +0, Hide +10, Jump +6, Knowledge (Religion) +2, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Perform (Dance) +4, Spot +3, Tumble +6, Use Rope +4.
Weapons: Alchemist`s fire x3; Javelin x2; Javelin, Masterwork x2. Goods: Amethyst (4) (400 gp); Backpack; Black opal (1,000 gp); Block and tackle; Coin: cp (36); Coin: gp (346); Coin: sp (14); Crowbar; Fintail tooth (2); Flint and steel; Hammer; Lamp, common; Oil (pint); Piton (5); Rope, silk (50 ft.); Spade; Warforged repair kit; Whetstone. Magic: Potion of Bull`s Strength (3); Heward`s Handy Haversack; Potion of Magic Weapon (1) x2; Ring of Protection +1; Potion of Repair Light Damage (1) x2; Potion of Shield of Faith (1); Warforged Composite Armor +1.

Quarion (CR 5, HD 1d10+4d4+5)
Elf (High) Ftr1/Wiz4
CN Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +2 Spd 30
Senses Low-light Vision (Ex), Listen +3, Spot +4

AC 16 (FF 14, Touch 12)
hp 25 (Disabled -1/Dying -12/Injury 12)
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5
Immunity: Sleep Effects (Ex); +2 Saves vs. Enchantment Spells and Effects
Atk +5 base melee, +5 base ranged; Grapple +5;
+4 Melee (Longsword, Masterwork 1d8+2/crit 19-20/x2) and +4 Melee (+1 Dagger 1d4+2/crit 19-20/x2)
+6 Melee (Longsword, Masterwork 1d8+3/crit 19-20/x2)
+6 Melee (+1 Dagger 1d4+3/crit 19-20/x2)
+6 Ranged (Longbow, composite ( +2 Str Bonus), Masterwork 1d8+2/crit 20/x3)
+6 Melee (Greatclub, Masterwork 1d10+3/crit 20/x2)
Fighter Features: Bonus Feat, Proficiency: Tower Shield; Wizard Features: Scribe Scroll, Summon Familiar, Spells, Spellbooks;
Abilities: STR 14, DEX 15, CON 12, INT 17, WIS 12, CHA 9
Feats: Armor Proficiency: heavy, Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Point Blank Shot, Scribe Scroll, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Skills: Concentration +4, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +5, Decipher Script +5, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Listen +3, Ride +6, Search +6, Spellcraft +9, Spot +4, Swim +6.
Wizard Spells Known (4/4/3): 0- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue ; 1-Alarm, Burning Hands, Charm Person, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Swift, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Repair Light Damage, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Sleep, True Strike; 2-Arcane Lock, Bull`s Strength, Flaming Sphere, Levitate, Melf`s Acid Arrow, Misdirection, Obscure Object, Protection from Arrows, Scorching Ray, Spider Climb, Summon Monster II, Web; 3-Flame Arrow, Vampiric Touch.
Wizard Spells Prepared (4/4/3): .
Weapons: +1 Arrow x2; +1 Dagger; +2 Arrow; Arrows (20); Burrowing Arrow; Dagger, Masterwork; Greatclub, Masterwork; Longbow, composite ( +2 Str Bonus), Masterwork; Longsword, Masterwork. Armor: Mithral Shirt. (Spell Failure 10%). Goods: Backpack; Bedroll; Black opal (3) (3,000 gp); Coin: cp (7); Coin: gp (11); Coin: pp (19); Coin: sp (13); Explorer`s outfit; Flint and steel; Ink (vial); Inkpen; Moonstone (5) (250 gp); Spell component pouch; Spellbook, wizard`s. Magic: Potion of Bull`s Strength (3); Potion of Cure Light Wounds (1); Scroll of Flame Arrow (5) x2; Wand of Flaming Sphere (3) (Charges: 25); Wand of Magic Missile (3) (Charges: 10); Wand of Repair Light Damage (1) (Charges: 41).

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Adventures 17 -19 - Closing the Door

Part I

Played May 2, 2005

Dateline: 3-20 Lharvion 999 (mid-summer – equivalent to July)

Featuring Baqar, Jory, Kirin, Metal Guy, and Quarion

Prominent Locations, NPCs and Organizations:

  • Xen’drik – Continent once (some 40,000 years ago) ruled by an empire of giants. Now covered by ancient ruins with horrible beasts and dark elves guarding over them, along with the now-savage giants.
  • Aerenal – Tropical subcontinent and center of elven culture. Ruled by the Undying – elves whose existence continues beyond their death, their bodies animated by positive energy (unlike undead who exist through negative energy).
  • Pylas Talaear – Main port on Aerenal – typically the only city outsiders are allowed to see.
  • Syraen Melideth – Governor of Pylas Talaer, a beautiful elf woman with a full-sized skull tattooed on her face. Very patient with outlanders (especially savage Halflings)
  • Jerinae Lecaer – Elvish historian and expert in antiquities
  • Tanak-Shaebron – Shadow Fey the heroes had captured in previous adventures (he is given a name in this adventure). He escaped in Sharn in the adventure Dravago Wedding – more to the point, he was left in the care of the Boromar Clan who turned out to be less than trustworthy.

Capsule Summary

After their time at sea, the port city of Pylas Talaer was a most welcome sight. Our heroes had been granted a rate honor – an audience with the governor of Pylas Talaer, Syraen Melideth, She thanked them for their service in dealing with the Zombie Crown and indicated that she knew about their quest to destroy the Shadow Key. She referred them to Jerrinas Lecaer, one of the more learned historians on Aerenal, a specialist in the antiquities of Xen’drik – he would most definitely be able to help them.

After a week of shopping, studying, and training, our heroes ventured into the jungles of Aerenal to the Lecaer family compound. Jerinae was indeed a useful source if information about the Key… He told them it can be used to open a special portal to the Plane of Shadow – in theory the portal should have been able to leak out into the world of Eberron – indeed that is what the Shadar Kai had been hoping – but they had been cursed… Instead it linked them to the Plane of Shadow.

The key is dangerous – at the very least it could be used to bring in other creatures of shadow… The key can be destroyed – though it would require fully opening the portal. He explained that the portal itself is made up of shadow. Once the portal were opened the key would be embedded within the portal – if someone were to snap it in half it while shutting the gate it would close the gate forever. Unfortunately it would also probably kill whoever did the snapping… Though a construct would probably be immune to such an effect…

The gate was once in Xen’drik, but not any longer. The elves took it with them. It is safely guarded by the Undying in one of the many secret caches on Aerenal – when the elves left Xen’drik, they took many artifacts with them. He offered to lead the characters on an expedition to get to the gate. Though he did not seem all that useful in a fight, he did seem knowledgeable about the Key and the Gate.

The Gate Cache was hidden in the mountains north of the Blackwood Jungle, some 300 miles from Pylas Talaer. For the most part the journey passed pleasantly enough – Aerenal was no ravaged wilderness like the Mournland, having many settlements and roads. Their going got rough as they began passing through the mountains. A bridge over a ravine had been destroyed in a recent storm, forcing them to try crossing the ravine via a fallen tree.

That turned out to be a dangerous proposition. Fluffy, Baqar’s clawfoot, sensed something was up. He sniffed at the air. Something was there. Jory scouted ahead across the fallen tree - there was an ambush – a Shadow Mastiff on the fallen tree and Tanak-Shaebron, a Shadow Fey ninja attacking them from behind. The Mastiff let out a horrifying wail which filled poor Metal Guy and Baqar’s hearts with dread – causing them to begin fleeing. Kirin used her music to counter the effects of this howl [DM note – Since poor overworked DM was running two PCs as NPCs this adventure, he neglected to notice he gave this power to Kirin one level early… Oops… We’ll just chalk it up as one-time divine inspiration… The good news is DM is now sleep-deprived, having a newborn baby in the house… So if you want to try casting 9th level spells, you might get away with it…] Our heroes triumphed against their foes and began making their way forward to the Gate Cache. But if they had been tracked to Aerenal by Tanak-Shaebron, there might be more of the Shadow Fey on Aerenal…

Experience and Loot

· Tanak-Shaebron was a fifth level Shadow Fey Ninja. With a Challenge Rating of 6 you earned 2250 experience points.

· The Shadow Mastiff was Challenge Rating 5, worth 1500 experience.

· Total experience earned is 3750, or 750 each. Still a ways to go for 6th level.

· Shaebron had: Weapons: +1 Chain, spiked (2,325 gp); +1 Silver, Alchemical Dagger (2,322 gp); Shortbow, composite, Masterwork (375 gp); 10 +1 Arrows (47 gp each); 5 +2 Arrows (167 gp each) Goods: Coin: gp (23) (23 gp); Coin: pp (15) (worth 150 gp). He also had a Gal-Ralan, a bracer which pierces the flesh. It is used exclusively by the Shadow Fey. If you could find an interested buyer you could get 1250 gp for it, but doing so will not be easy.

Closing the Door, Part II

Played May 30, 2005

Dateline: 21-23 Lharvion 999 (mid-summer – equivalent to July)

Featuring Baqar, Jory, Metal Guy, and Quarion

“I can’t climb a damn rope, how am I gonna tumble?”

- Quarion (to Jory, in response to the suggestion that he tumble past a dinosaur)

Eberron Dinosaur Glossary:

  • Carver - Deinonychus
  • Clawfoot – Velociraptor
  • Swordtooth Titan – Tyrannosaurus Rex

There were definite signs that the Shadow Fey had been this way. As the heroes awoke, they saw signs of a fire some fifteen miles distant. Their guide informed them a village was there, guarding over the cache. Metal Guy and Baqar (mounted on Fluffy) scouted ahead while the remainder of the group followed at a more leisurely pace. (Kirin more so than others, being under the influence of psychedelic mushrooms which caused her to wander off and shout words of encouragement – a sure sign of a sleepy DM unable to run an extra NPC…)

Metal Guy and Baqar decided to rejoin the rest of their band when they saw the foot prints of a Swordtooth Titan, not something they wished to face without the rest of the party.

The fires from the burning village were extinguished by a midday rain which showed no signs of abating. At the outskirts of the village they ran into survivors who informed them that the Shadow Fey had indeed ransacked the village, the tiny village. Unfortunately their guardian Swordtooth Titam was no longer under their control as the Shadow Fey had killed the village druid. In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the Swordtooth did not sleep. Instead it was prowling about the cemetery on the outskirts of the village. Not the normal hunting grounds for such a beast, but there were some yummy elf children holed up in one of the tombs. While the elves embraced death, they preferred to be above the age of ten. [DM Question of the week… If elves live to be centuries, are the “terrible twos” for elves actually a decade in length? If so that could explain why there are so few elves… It is also worth noting three is much worse than two. Not only can they tantrum but their command of English is better…] The villagers had managed to harass the Shadow Fey, cutting their numbers from roughly two dozen to one dozen.

A noble streak moved our heroes to help rescue the kids. They split into small groups, each hiding in a tomb while Fluffy and Baqar approached the Swordtooth. His master plan was to use his ranger abilities to talk with the dinosaur and convince it that there was much better hunting to the south. A whole valley filled with dumb, slow, fat herbivores. Miraculously, his charm worked, and big dinosaur headed off. Unfortunately, a trio of Carvers choose that moment to attack – they had been waiting for their big cousin to have her meal and then dine on leftover scraps – dinosaurs, like most carnivores, being opportunistic scavengers… Their initial assault did terrible damage to our heroes, especially Jory and Quarion. Fluffy had some difficulty finishing off his bigger cousins. However, in the end our heroes triumphed, despite being able to testify to the effectiveness of


  • Overcoming Swordtooth Titan – CR8. 4500 XP.
  • Defeating Carvers. CR 3 each. 750 XP each, 2250 XP total.

You earned a total of 6750 XP, or 1688 each. Total experience earned per character is roughly 12,954. 6th level at 15,000.

Closing the Door, Part III

Played June 13, 2005

Dateline: 25 Lharvion 999 (mid-summer – equivalent to July)

Featuring Baqar, Jory, Metal Guy, and Quarion

“Why didn’t you use your famous flurry of blows?”

“Usually I don’t hit when I do a flurry of blows…”

- Baqar and Metal Guy discussing combat tactics

The entrance to Morn Hróta (elvish for the Shadow Caverns) was open. This would normally be a good thing, with the convenience being much appreciated. However, given the fact that the Shadow Fey had already been there, it was probably a bad thing.

Metal Guy lighting his lantern, the party ventured into the entry cavern. Jory scanned the hall for traps – none she could find. Though it turned out there were quite a few, as Jory went flying down into a spiked pit trap. After getting hauled up by Metal Guy she found two more pits. And some peepholes on the east wall – someone might have been enjoying their distress…

Moving along, the next room was the “resting” area for the Undying Guardians who were… lying on the floor, dead. So much for their reputation of Undying. Jory’s eyes redeemed themselves by spotting four Shadow Fey hiding – hiding in areas which should have been a lot harder to hide in. Metal Guy took some hard hits initially, after being dragged down by one of their spiked chains and then pummeled with another one. However, Quarion’s fire magic was rather effective in torching them and our heroes eventually overcame them. The southern corridor was blocked by a pair of brick stone walls, forcing our heroes to go to two separate rooms to activate mechanisms to cause them both to recess (and our heroes also endured ambushes in the process).

As our heroes advanced forward past the now recessed brick walls, Quarion’s elvish eyes noticed that one of the walls was illusionary. Deciding that that was far more interesting than the trap no doubt waiting for them [DM note – it was a really cool Indiana Jones rolling boulder trap too…], they passed through the illusionary wall. Following the tunnels, our heroes noticed the light seemed to be diminishing. And shadows appeared where there should be none. Finally, one of those shadows moved, attacking Metal Guy. He felt his strength drain by this being of living shadow. Our heroes attacked the shadow, discovering that only magic weapons and spells worked against it – and even then the weapons were just as likely pass harmlessly through it. However they persevered and finally gained entry to a large room filled with random light and darkness – and saw the shadow portal on the opposite side. Blocking them was another Shadow and a pair of Shadow Fey. Baqar felt his strength drained by the icy touch of the Shadow. Quarion summoned a Lemure Devil to aid them in their battle – the Lemure never did manage to hit anything, but he did provide a nice distraction. Though battered and weakened, our heroes overcame their foes. Leaving noting between them and the Shadow Gate.

Metal Guy inserted the key into the portal. As it began to open he snapped it in half, just as he had been instructed – sure enough the Key at last was destroyed – and the portal was sealed shut – possibly forever. A part of the Key survived – in the form of a ring, now around one of his fingers…


· You defeated a total of six Shadow Fey. Each was challenge rating 1, for 300 XP each or 1800 total.

· The spiked pit traps were CR 2. With three of them, each worth 500 XP or 1500 total.

· The first Shadow was CR 3, worth 750 XP.

· The second Shadow was CR 8, worth 4500 XP.

Total experience earned for adventure – 8550 or 2138 each. That brings you to a total XP earned of 15,092, just enough to make 6th level.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Adventures 14-16 - Ship of the Living Dead

Ship of the Living Dead

Played March 7, 2005

Dateline Sharn: 9 Nymm 999 (early summer – equivalent to early-June)

Featuring Baqar, Jory, Kirin, Metal Guy, and Quarion

Prominent Locations, NPCs and Organizations:

  • Five Nations of Galifar – Once the continent of Khorvaire were united in the Kingdom of Galifar. However a century ago the five nations could not agree on the successor to the throne of Galifar and broke out into a terrible civil war which ended with the uneasy ceasefire of the Threaty of Thronehold some three years ago.
  • Sharn – Largest city of the country of Breland – and of the entire continent of Khorvaire. A vertical city, dominated by mile-high towers along several plateaus. Beneath the towers are vast sewers, ruins of older cities, and lakes of magma. On the west side are wharfs along the Dagger River, near its mouth, well below the rest of the city.
  • Morgrave University – Most famous university in Sharn – not so renowned for its academics (which are certainly reasonable) but far more so for its treasure-hunting expeditions to the lost continent of Xen’drik.
  • Xen’drik – Continent once (some 40,000 years ago) ruled by an empire of giants. Now covered by ancient ruins with horrible beasts and dark elves guarding over them, along with the now-savage giants. Morgrave University sends many treasure-hunting expeditions to Xen’drik.
  • Aerenal – Tropical subcontinent and center of elven culture. Ruled by the Undying – elves whose existence continues beyond their death, their bodies animated by positive energy (unlike undead who exist through negative energy).
  • Karrnath – One of the more warlike countries on the continent of Khorvaire. Notorious for its use of zombie and skeleton armies during the Last War.
  • Doctor Nattan Alder – Professor of antiquities, lost lore, and metallurgy at Morgrave University.
  • Tanamaer Hirinogen – Undying Councilor – one of the first of the Undying, actually born in Xen’drik and emigrated to Aerenal as a child.
  • Mirae Hirinogen – Tanamaers still-living descendent who serves as his aid in Sharn.

Capsule Summary

Bad weather had kept our heroes in-doors for much of the past several weeks. Torrential downpours coming from storms in the Thunder Sea kept them in Metal Guy’s dojo – which was just as well given that two criminal gangs were looking for them.

Kirin rejoined our heroes during this period – she had spent time communing with the Faerie Court of Thelanis who had reached a decision – the Shadow Key, obviously desired by the twisted Shadow Fey would have to be destroyed. Though no one knew how. However, it was known that the giants of Xen’drik had defeated their plots millennia ago – perhaps the elves of Aernal might have some knowledge.

Kirin’s need to go to Aerenal worked well for the rest of the heroes – in their last adventure the party came into possession of many fine weapons – worth quite a bit, but middlemen typically slashed into the value of such finds. However Jory had a friend… who had a friend… who had a friend at Morgrave University who might be able to help them get more value for their finds - Doctor Nattan Alder. The five of them traveled to the university to see what sort of deal might be reached. Doctor Alder introduced them to Tanamaer Hirinogen and his “granddaughter” (many, many times removed) Mirae. Tanamaer explained that he and Doctor Alder had sponsored Barados Heska’s recent mission to Xen’dtrk aboard the galley Sea Ghost. The expedition was looking for the tomb of Elesion Hirinogen – Tanamaer’s grandfather and a hero of the elven rebellion against the giants. Doctor Alder was to receive many giant artifacts while Tanamaer was to receive the corpse of Elesion along with his possessions – supposedly the body had been well-preserved – if so there was a chance, however remote, that Elesion could be made into one of the Undying.

They had recently received word from Heska that the tomb had been found – and they were preparing to sail back to Sharn with the body. However, they were now over a week overdue. Given the recent storms it was certainly possible they had been delayed – but for the fact that a House Lyrander Airship had reported seeing a galley matching the Sea Ghost’s description adrift at sea. Tanamaer and Mirae were returning to Aerenal aboard the elven vessel Cela-yende and were going to look for the Sea Ghost. They were looking for some adventurers to board her and see what had transpired – and recover the body.

What was in it for our heroes? First was the gratitude of one of the eldest amongst the Undying – no small thing. But there were more tangible benefits. The smallest one of those was that Doctor Alder would buy their weapons at market price. In addition they would receive free round-trip passage to Aerenal and Xen’drik.

After several days at sea the Cele-yende ran into a Karrnath War Galley – far from home and crewed mainly by a band of zombies. The black-mailed captain, Marcellus, came aboard the Sea Ghost with a flag of truce. Marcellus asked if they had seen the Sea Ghost – he and his band had heard of her plight and wanted to “rescue” her. After receiving (false) directions to a possible sighting, he gave them a bottle of Karrnath wine as a sign of his “friendship” and went on his way.

Some days later the Cele-yende (literally) ran into the Sea Ghost – in the midst of a thick late-night fog. Backing up the captain dropped a jolly boat into the water to allow them to investigate. The Sea Ghost was in rough shape. Tattered sails, a shattered mast. And lots of rats they saw as they boarded her. The rats attacked them in a swarm – zombie rats! Something bad had definitely happened. After dispatching, with some difficulty, the zombie rats, our heroes took in their situation – only to notice the corpse at the tiller had moved slightly…

Experience and Loot

  • Each of you took in 1406.25 gold from the cashing in of gear from the previous adventure.
  • The Corpse Rat Swarm (from Libris Mortis was Challenge Rating 4), worth 1200 experience total. (240 each). That brings you to 7501 experience each (minus any experience spent on making magic items). 5th level at 10,000 experience points.

Ship of the Living Dead Part II

Played April 4 , 2005

Dateline 9 Nymm 999 (early summer – equivalent to early-June)

Featuring Baqar, Jory, Kirin, Metal Guy, and Quarion

"What is the difference between the Undying and the Undead?"
"The Undying smell better."
  • Baqar learning from Quarion the difference between the Undead and the Undying.

"Not now Metal Guy!"

  • Statement mysteriously made by Jory as she used her Mark of Finding to locate the missing sarcophagus. The meaning of this statement… still a mystery. There is no truth to the rumor the Mark of Finding is a butt-tattoo however…

Capsule Summary

The corpse at the tiller was indeed a zombie. An annoyingly fast zombie, moving like lightning. Well, perhaps not that fast, but much faster than your typical slow-moving hulking zombie. However a zombie is still a zombie and our heroes dispatched it with relative ease.

Continuing their exploration of the Sea Ghost the adventurers made their way into one of the aft cabins, used by the expedition leader Barados Heska. There was a makeshift barricade partially blocking the door but it hadn’t done Heska much good in escaping whatever befell the ship – his corpse lay on the floor. In pieces. His decaying head was attached to what may have once been his torso but was now a mass of intestines, flaccid organs, and bones. While Baqar, Jory, and Quarion went in to investigate the small cabin, Kirin and Metal Guy waited on the deck, discussing metaphysics. Were they truly there? What did it mean to be present? They felt as if they were characters in a play whose actors were not upon the stage…

It is important to remember that both Jory and Quarion knew the value of discretion. Not so with Baqar. He charged right into the room, only to discover the mass of intestines was some sort of undead creature (a Skulking Cyst they would later discover). The intestines leapt forward trying to grab onto him Jory fired her crossbow while Quarion unleashed his magic. The Skulking Cyst revealed it had magic powers, plunging the room into darkness. No fear, Quarion had prepared a spell long-considered the prerogative of virtual lantern-tenders – light – and cancelled out the darkness. Just in time to see it launch another attack at Baqar – this itme it wrapped right around him and began sucking his blood out. Not particularly pleasant. Jory and Quarion got it off of him allowing Baqar to land a killing blow, slicing it in half. Meanwhile, Kirin and Metal Guy continued to discuss metaphysics.

Going through the cabin, they found Heska’s journal. The interesting entries were as follows:

Dravago 1, 999 YK

Today we found the outer door Elesion Hirinogen’s tomb. We are in the process of investigating the seal to the tomb prior to opening it. The markings are in ancient Xen’drik elvish which I have transcribed here:

[Elvish characters here]

Roughly translated this means:

A curse on Elesion Hirinogen and all his line. Better to die as slaves to the giants than to spread the curse of undeath to one’s own people. Let no elf bear his crown or suffer his fate will he.

Dravago 5, 999 YK

We broke through the seal this morning. What awaited us was not pleasant – our expedition was attacked by zombie elves. But these were different from the zombies used by the forces of Karrnath in the Last War. Those zombies, while slow, kept a spark of intelligence. These elvish ones were much quicker, though they attacked savagely, without thought or strategy. Sadly Elsa Makaira was slain by one of the zombies. We buried her outside the tomb.

We found the Hirinogen sarcophagus still intact. It will take several days to transport it to the ship. Quinlon Doth, priest of Vol, expressed his concern that the corpse might be dangerous. Deferring to his expertise on matters pertaining to death and undeath, we will open the sarcophagus tomorrow morning after we have had a chance to recover from this morning’s battle. Tanamaer will not be pleased about that but I am not risking transporting the body if it poses a danger to the ship and crew.

Dravago 6, 999

A curious day. We awoke to see Elsa had dug her way out of her tomb – Quinlon was fascinated by this development – lower undead such as zombies are traditionally unable to reproduce on their own, requiring the work of necromancers. We were able to dispatch her a second time. I pray she gets the rest she was deprived of. I now believe I understand the inscription on the seal – I suspect Elesion turned his followers into zombies who increased their own numbers with the dead of their opponents. But how did he control them. I believe the sarcophagus contains that answer.

When we opened the sarcophagus we found Elesion’s body – and his head – which was no longer attached to his body. Upon his head was a black iron crown which seems to have dug into his skull through bitter barbs. His body and head were well-preserved but Quinlon indicates that Elesion was most certainly a zombie when he died – Quinlon theorizes the crown made him some sort of zombie lord. Quinlon was anxious to experiment with the crown but I refused his request – Tanamaer will be angry enough that we inspected the body – he’ll have a fit if we tamper with it as well.

I am sending word via courier to Tanamaer regarding what we have found – though the details will have to wait – I don’t feel safe committing such a politically sensitive topic (to the elves at least) to words a third party may see. Plus all I need are mercenaries looking for us to steal the crown.

Quarion looked at his companions. “You know that idiot Quinlon put that crown on.” They nodded sagely.

Jory used her Mark of Finding to locate the sarcophagus they had been looking for – it was in the hold. Sure enough Quinlon was waiting for them in the cargo hold. And he had put the crown on. He wasn’t looking very healthy. Indeed he looked positively zombie-like. But a very intelligent zombie who laughed at them and announced that he had “the power of undeath”. (Metal Guy found this rather interesting, who had been trying to understand for some time just what that implied…) They battled him as well. While Baqar, Kirin, Metal Guy, and Quarion handled the frontal assault, Jory stealthily made her way behind him. Though the battle was fierce, in the end they finished Quinlon and his zombie companions.

Returning to the main deck to prepare for hoisting the sarcophagus up, they saw a rather unpleasant sight (though probably more pleasant than the Skulking Cyst). A Karrnath underwater ship had surfaced and had breached the hull of the Cele-yende, which was rapidly sinking….

Experience and Loot

  • Monetary gains undetermined as yet – you haven’t had an opportunity to go through Quinlon’s loot.
  • The zombie you fought had a Challenge Rating of ¾. There were two more with Quinlon (225 x 3 = 675 experience points)
  • The Skulking Cyst had a Challenge Rating of 4. (1200 experience points)
  • Quinlon had a Challenge Rating of 5. (1600 experience points)

Total experience gained in this adventure: 3475. That comes out to 695 each. That comes to a total gained of 8196. Fifth level at 10000.

Ship of the Living Dead Part III

Played April 18, 2005

Dateline: 9 Nymm 999 (early summer – equivalent to early-June)

Featuring Baqar, Jory, Kirin, Metal Guy, and Quarion

“What are we, lemmings?”

- Quarion, commenting on Metal Guy, Baqar, and Jory all winding up in the ocean. The heroes became known as the Infernal Lemmings after this incident. Though Baqar had issues with the term infernal

Submersible vehicles… It had been rumored that Karrnath had been developing them for military usage – and now there seemed to be confirmation. Jory and Baqar threw ropes at the now-surfaced submarine, the grappling hooks snagging onto the railing of the vessel. Metal Guy and Baqar tried to cross over on the ropes but instead managed to send themselves diving into the water below. Jory released one of the ropes so they could use it to climb onto the submarine’s deck. As the pair hauled themselves onto the deck of the submarine, several Karrnath skeletons emerged from a hatch. Unlike “traditional” skeletons, these retained their human intelligence and the ability to speak (albeit in a raspy whisper). Some of the skeletons leapt across to the Sea Ghost where Jory, Kirin, and Quarion remained while the remainder prepared to do battle with Baqar and Metal Guy.

The battle with the skeletons initially went poorly. Quarion had some luck with a Flaming Sphere and Kirin with a Flame Blade, but for the remainder the battle did not go well – many blows landing harmlessly between bones. As a move of tactical genius (or perhaps one bent on desperation), Baqar chose to forego the use of his weapons and instead pushed one over the side of the submarine’s deck. In so doing he discovered something important – skeletons cannot swim. Metal Guy and Jory joined in the fun – though Jory wound up losing a tussle and went flying into the water herself. Kirin and Quarion kept up the fun with fire. Kirin also used her bardic music to inspire herself and her companions to victory. Eventually all the skeletons were burned, sent to the bottom of the sea, or otherwise dispatched. Two human soldiers who came on deck were also dealt with. However, the captain of the submarine apparently did not like the way the battle was going – the upper hatch snapped shut and locked as the vessel made preparations to submerge. Jory picked the lock open while Metal Guy tried to pry the hatch open. As the hatch flew open Baqar leapt down, only to discover an airlock with another locked door – which Jory picked as well, revealing a control room – with the ship commanded by a DragonMarked half-elf. Baqar snarled and demanded their surrender. Intimidated by the trio the half-elf, Vairus, chose to surrender.

The next day later the Sea Ghost, the submarine, and the survivors of the Cele-yende (including Fluffy) were making repairs and preparing to get back on a course for Aerenal. Baqar took the Zombie Crown, not being too fond of the whole undead thing. Though they soon learned it was a forgery, for they heard a scream from the passenger’s cabin of the Sea Ghost – Tanamaer was trying to force the crown on his descendent, Mirae. Baqar and Quarion, who were onboard the Sea Ghost, burst into the cabin. They learned Tanamaer was no longer one of the undying, but instead had been turned into undead by the Blood of Vol. Though he was a powerful wizard, in the end Baqar and Quarion, later assisted by Jory and Metal Guy (with Kirin guarding the submarine), they were able to destroy him…

Through journals and legends they were able to piece together what had happened to Tanamaer. Some 40,000 years ago the elves fled to Aerenal. During a battle with a giant regiment which had pursued them to Aerenal, Tanamaer, along with a hundred other elven heroes, fell in battle, defeating the giants. However there was powerful necromantic magic where they fell. All of them came back from death – not alive again, but not undead. Instead they were the first of the undying. However, it was raw, uncontrolled power from the Positive Material Plane which sustained them – quite different from the harnessed power of the planes which sustains most of the modern undying (and undead for that matter). Only half survived more than an hour in this state, and all but a dozen dissipated by the end of the day. Those remaining twelve stabilized, but at a terrible cost. Though effectively immortal, the energies were so difficult to control that they began lapsing into longer and longer states of torpor, eventually reaching a state where they would sleep for centuries only to be awake for mere weeks at a time. But they did provide the inspiration for the later, more stable undying, which would be created millennia later. Tanamaer was unhappy with this lot and researched into his family background, learning the truth about his grandfather – who had harnessed the power of the undead. With the help of the Blood of Vol he assumed a more stable undead form (masked from his fellow elves by glamours) and launched an expedition to obtain the Zombie Crown. And he would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for those infernal lemmings…


  • From the previous adventure Quinlon had Weapons: +1 Dagger (2,302 gp). Armor: +1 Chainmail (1,300 gp). Goods: Coin: gp (393) (393 gp). Magic: Wondrous: Bag of Holding, type I (2,500 gp); Wand: Cure Light Wounds (1) (Charges: 15) (225 gp); Scroll: Necrotic Bloat (5), Necrotic Bloat (5) (750 gp); Wand: Necrotic Cyst (3) (Charges: 17) (1,530 gp). (A Necrotic Cyst is a really nasty magic pox that makes you vulnerable to undead and subject to being aggravated by certain spells. If it kills you you wind up hatching one of those necrotic bloats you found – that mass of intestines… The Necrotic spells require a special feat to use – details are in the D&D supplement Libris Mortis, full of all sorts of fun undead stuff)
  • Vairus had (and gave up to you) the following (with gp value in parenthesis, you could expect half that value if you sell it): Wand: Flaming Sphere (3) (Charges: 25) (2,250 gp); Wondrous: Bracers of Armor +1 (1,000 gp); Potion: Cure Light Wounds (1) (50 gp); Potion: Cure Light Wounds (1) (50 gp); Potion: Cure Light Wounds (1) (50 gp); Ring: Protection +1 (2,000 gp).
  • Tanamaer had: Dagger of Venom (8,302 gp); Longbow, composite ( +2 Str Bonus), Masterwork (600 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); +2 Arrow (167 gp); +2 Arrow (167 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); Burrowing Arrow (167 gp); Burrowing Arrow (167 gp); Burrowing Arrow (167 gp); Goods: Coin: gp (21) (21 gp); Coin: sp (5) (5 sp). Magic: Wondrous: Bracers of Armor +2 (4,000 gp); Wand: Burning Hands (5) (Charges: 15) (1,125 gp); Scroll: Flame Arrow (5) (375 gp); Scroll: Flame Arrow (5) (375 gp); Scroll: Vampiric Touch (5) (375 gp). He also had an enchanted longsword which Mirae has claimed, though she allows you to keep everything else.


  • Karrnath skeletons. You defeated five of these. Each is CR3, worth 800 each or 4000 total.
  • Human warriors. You defeated two of these, each was Challenge Rating 2, worth 600 each or 1200 total.
  • Tanamaer was Challenge Rating 8, worth 6400 experience points.

That gives you a total of 11,600. Divide that by five for 2320 per character. Each character has 10,516 experience (or a little less for any items created). Can you say 5th level? I knew you could… :-)

Karrnath Submarine Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 17, 2005

PC Stat Block - Quarion

Quarion, Male Elf, High Ftr1/Wiz3: CR 4; Medium Humanoid (Elf); HD 1d10+1(Fighter) , 3d4+3(Wizard) ; hp 21; Init +2; Spd 30; AC:16 (Flatfooted:14 Touch:12); Atk +4 base melee, +4 base ranged; +2/+3 (1d8+2, Longsword; 1d4+1, Dagger, Masterwork); +4 (1d8+3, Longsword); +4 (1d8+1, Longbow, composite ( +1 Str Bonus)); SQ: Immunity: Sleep Effects (Ex), Low-light Vision (Ex), +2 Saves vs. Enchantment Spells and Effects; AL CN; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4; STR 14, DEX 15, CON 12, INT 17, WIS 12, CHA 9.

Skills: Concentration +4, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +5, Decipher Script +5, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Listen +3, Ride +6, Search +6, Spellcraft +9, Spot +4, Swim +6.

Feats: Armor Proficiency: heavy, Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Point Blank Shot, Scribe Scroll, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting.

Spells Known (Wiz 4/3/2): 0 -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue; 1st -- Alarm, Burning Hands, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Repair Light Damage, Shield, Shocking Grasp, Sleep; 2nd -- Arcane Lock, Flaming Sphere, Melf`s Acid Arrow, Obscure Object, Protection from Arrows, Spider Climb, Web.

Spells Prepared (Wiz 4/3/2): .


Weapons: Arrows (20) (1 gp); Longbow, composite ( +1 Str Bonus) (200 gp); Longsword (15 gp); Dagger, Masterwork (302 gp).

Armor: Mithral Shirt (1,100 gp).

Goods: Coin: gp (7) (7 gp); Black opal (1,000 gp); Backpack (2 gp); Bedroll (1 sp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Ink (vial) (8 gp); Inkpen (1 sp); Explorer`s outfit (10 gp); Spell component pouch (5 gp); Spellbook, wizard`s (15 gp); Red garnet (3) (300 gp); Black pearl (500 gp); Moonstone (50 gp); Coin: sp (3) (3 sp); Coin: cp (7) (7 cp).

Magic: Potion: Bull`s Strength (3) (300 gp); Potion: Cure Light Wounds (1) (50 gp); Wand: Magic Missile (3) (Charges: 10) (450 gp); Wand: Repair Light Damage (1) (Charges: 44) (660 gp).

PC Stat Block - Metal Guy (AKA Will Answer to Anything for I am no Longer at the Beck and Call of Man)

Will Answer to Anything for I am no Longer at the Beck and Call of Man, Male Warforged Mnk4: CR 5; Medium Construct Living (Living Construct); HD 4d8+12(Monk) ; hp 13; Init +2; Spd 40; AC:16 (Flatfooted:14 Touch:14); Atk +5 base melee, +5 base ranged; +5 (1d8+2, Unarmed strike); +5 (1d8+2, Unarmed strike); +6 (1d6+2, Javelin, Masterwork); +5 (1d6+2, Javelin); SQ: Immunity: Poison (Ex), Immunity: Sleep Effects (Ex), Immunity: Paralysis (Ex), Immunity: Disease (Ex), Immunity: Fatigue (Ex), Immunity: Exhaustion (Ex), No Natural Healing (Ex), Immunity: Nausea (Ex), Vulnerability: Chill Metal (Ex), Vulnerability: Heat Metal (Ex), Vulnerability: Repel Metal or Stone (Ex), Vulnerability: Repel Wood (Ex), Vulnerability: Rusting Grasp (Ex), Can be raised or resurrected (Ex), Light Fortification (Ex), Immunity: Energy Drain (Ex), Action Points Dice Rolled 1, Action Points 7; AL LN; SV Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6; STR 14, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 9.

Skills: Craft (Blacksmithing) +0, Hide +9, Jump +6, Knowledge (Religion) +1, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Perform (Dance) +3, Spot +3, Tumble +6, Use Rope +4.

Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Stunning Fist.


Weapons: Alchemist`s fire (20 gp); Javelin, Masterwork (301 gp); Javelin, Masterwork (301 gp); Javelin (1 gp); Javelin (1 gp); Alchemist`s fire (20 gp); Alchemist`s fire (20 gp).

Goods: Coin: gp (46) (46 gp); Warforged repair kit (50 gp); Block and tackle (5 gp); Crowbar (2 gp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Hammer (5 sp); Lamp, common (1 sp); Oil (pint) (1 sp); Piton (5) (5 sp); Rope, silk (50 ft.) (10 gp); Spade (2 gp); Whetstone (2 cp); Black opal (1,000 gp); Amethyst (4) (400 gp); Backpack (2 gp); Coin: sp (14) (14 sp); Coin: cp (36) (36 cp); Fintail tooth (2) (0 gp).

Magic: Potion: Repair Light Damage (1) (50 gp); Potion: Repair Light Damage (1) (50 gp); Potion: Bull`s Strength (3) (300 gp); Potion: Bull`s Strength (3) (300 gp); Wondrous: Warforged Composite Armor (0 gp); Potion: Magic Weapon (1) (50 gp); Potion: Magic Weapon (1) (50 gp); Potion: Shield of Faith (1) (50 gp).

PC Stat Block - Kirin (and Beak)

Kirin Meely, Female Human GDr3/Brd1: CR 4; Medium Humanoid ; HD 3d8+6(Greensinger Druid) , 1d6+2(Bard) ; hp 28; Init +3; Spd 20; AC:16 (Flatfooted:13 Touch:13); Atk +3 base melee, +5 base ranged; +3 (1d6+1, Scimitar); +5 (1d4+1, Sling); +6 (1d6+1, Shortbow, composite ( +1 Str Bonus), Masterwork); +5 (1d8, Alchemist`s frost (flask)); SQ: Action Points Dice Rolled 1, Action Points 7; AL CN; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +8; STR 12, DEX 16, CON 15, INT 10, WIS 17, CHA 16.

Skills: Diplomacy +5, Gather Information +5, Handle Animal +8, Heal +11, Hide +2, Knowledge (Nature) +8, Listen +6, Perform (String Instruments) +7, Spot +6, Survival +10.

Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Greensinger Initiate, Martial Weapon Proficiency: Shortbow, Self-Sufficient, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency.

Spells Known (GDr 4/3/2): 0 -- Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Guidance, Know Direction, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Virtue; 1st -- Charm Animal, Charm Person, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Aberration, Detect Animals or Plants, Detect Snares and Pits, Endure Elements, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Goodberry, Hide from Animals, Jump, Longstrider, Magic Fang, Magic Stone, Obscuring Mist, Pass without Trace, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, Speak with Animals, Summon Nature`s Ally I; 2nd -- Animal Messenger, Animal Trance, Barkskin, Bear`s Endurance, Bull`s Strength, Calm Animals, Cat`s Grace, Chill Metal, Daze Monster, Delay Poison, Fire Trap, Flame Blade, Flaming Sphere, Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, Heat Metal, Hold Animal, Owl`s Wisdom, Reduce Animal, Resist Energy, Restoration, Lesser, Soften Earth and Stone, Spider Climb, Summon Nature`s Ally II, Summon Swarm, Tree Shape, Warp Wood, Wood Shape, Zone of Natural Purity.

(Brd 2): .

Spells Prepared (GDr 4/3/2): .


Weapons: Scimitar (15 gp); Shortbow, composite ( +1 Str Bonus), Masterwork (450 gp); Sling (0 gp); Arrows (20) (1 gp); Bullets, sling (10) (1 sp); Alchemist`s frost (flask) (25 gp).

Armor: Hide (15 gp).

Goods: Coin: gp (28) (28 gp); Amethyst (2) (200 gp); Bloodstone (50 gp); Backpack (2 gp); Bedroll (1 sp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Holly and mistletoe (0 gp); Emerald (1,000 gp); Deep blue spinel (500 gp).

Magic: Scroll: Cure Serious Wounds (7) (700 gp); Scroll: Bull`s Strength (3) (150 gp); Scroll: Cure Light Wounds (1) (25 gp); Scroll: Cure Light Wounds (1) (25 gp); Scroll: Cure Light Wounds (1) (25 gp).

Beak, Owl, Male Animal, Owl : CR 1/4; Tiny Animal ; HD 3d8 ( Animal) ; hp 4; Init + 4; Spd 10, Fly, Average 40; AC 20; Atk -1 base melee, + 6 base ranged; +6 ( 1d4-3, Talon ); SQ: Low-light Vision (Ex); AL N; SV Fort + 1, Ref + 5, Will + 3; STR 5, DEX 18, CON 10, INT 2, WIS 14, CHA 4.

Skills: Hide +11, Listen +14, Move Silently +17, Spot +6.

Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse.

PC Stat Block - Jory

Second Story Jory, Female Human Rog4: CR 4; Medium Humanoid ; HD 4d6+8(Rogue) ; hp 24; Init +3; Spd 30; AC:15 (Flatfooted:15 Touch:13); Atk +4 base melee, +6 base ranged; +5 (1d6+1, Sword, short, Masterwork); +7 (1d4, Crossbow, hand, Masterwork); +6 (1d4+1, Dagger); +6 (1d4+1, Dart); SQ: Action Points Dice Rolled 1, Action Points 7; AL CN; SV Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +2; STR 12, DEX 16, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 14.

Skills: Appraise +6, Balance +12, Climb +8, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +7, Gather Information +3, Hide +11, Jump +10, Listen +4, Move Silently +11, Open Lock +12, Search +8, Sleight of Hand +4, Tumble +12, Use Magic Device +4, Use Rope +9.

Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Least Dragonmark, Nimble Fingers, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Stealthy.


Weapons: Bolts, crossbow (10) (1 gp); Crossbow, hand, Masterwork (400 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Dart (5 sp); Dart (5 sp); Dart (5 sp); Dart (5 sp); Dart (5 sp); Dart (5 sp); Sword, short, Masterwork (310 gp).

Armor: Leather (10 gp).

Goods: Coin: gp (24) (24 gp); Backpack (2 gp); Grappling hook (1 gp); Rope, silk (50 ft.) (10 gp); Sack (1 sp); Thieves` tools (30 gp); Traveler`s outfit (1 gp); Pouch, belt (1 gp); Red garnet (2) (200 gp); Carnelian (50 gp); Azurite (10 gp); Fire opal (1,000 gp); Coin: cp (8) (8 cp); Coin: sp (18) (18 sp); Coin: pp (2) (2 pp); Coral (4) (400 gp).

Magic: Potion: Cure Light Wounds (1) (50 gp); Potion: Invisibility (3) (300 gp).

PC Stat Block - Baqar (and Fluffy)

Baqar, Male Halfling, Lightfoot Rgr4: CR 4; Small Humanoid (Halfling); HD 4d8+4(Ranger) ; hp 31; Init +3; Spd 20; AC:16 (Flatfooted:13 Touch:14); Atk +7 base melee, +8 base ranged; +8 (1d8+3, Sharrash, Talenta, Masterwork); +8 (1d8+3, Tangat, Talenta, Masterwork); +8 (1d3+2, Dagger); +7 (1d3+2, Dagger); +9 (1d6+2, Longbow, composite ( +2 Str Bonus), Masterwork); SQ: Action Points Dice Rolled 1, Action Points 7; RF: +2 Bonus on Saves vs. Fear, +1 attack bonus with thrown weapons; AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +4; STR 14, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 9.

Skills: Climb +4, Handle Animal +6, Heal +6, Hide +10, Intimidate +1, Jump +0, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Ride +12, Search +1, Spot +5, Survival +9, Use Rope +5.

Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Boomerang, Talenta, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sharrash, Talenta, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Tangat, Talenta, Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Rapid Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Track.

Spells Known (Rgr --/1): 1st Alarm, Animal Messenger, Calm Animals, Charm Animal, Delay Poison, Detect Animals or Plants, Detect Poison, Detect Snares and Pits, Endure Elements, Entangle, Hide from Animals, Jump, Longstrider, Magic Fang, Pass without Trace, Read Magic, Resist Energy, Speak with Animals, Summon Nature`s Ally I.

Spells Prepared (Rgr --/1): .


Weapons: +1 Arrow (47 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); Longbow, composite ( +2 Str Bonus), Masterwork (600 gp); Arrows (20) (1 gp); Dagger (2 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); Sharrash, Talenta, Masterwork (318 gp); Tangat, Talenta, Masterwork (340 gp).

Armor: Leather (10 gp).

Goods: Coin: gp (22) (22 gp); Antitoxin (vial) (50 gp); Backpack (2 gp); Bedroll (1 sp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Grappling hook (1 gp); Healer`s kit (50 gp); Holy symbol, silver (25 gp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Pouch, belt (1 gp); Rope, silk (50 ft.) (10 gp); Saddlebags (4 gp); Saddle, military (20 gp); Torch (3) (3 cp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Clawfoot (150 gp); Coin: pp (8) (8 pp); Torch (1 cp); Torch (1 cp); Black pearl (2) (1,000 gp); Amber (4) (400 gp); Fintail tooth (3) (0 gp).

Magic: Potion: Cure Light Wounds (1) (50 gp).

Fluffy, Male Dinosaur, Clawfoot Animal2: CR 2; Medium Animal ; HD 2d8+8(Animal) ; hp 17; Init +4; Spd 40; AC:21 (Flatfooted:17 Touch:16); Atk +5 base melee, +5 base ranged; +5/+0/+0 (2d6+4, Talon; 1d3+2, 2 Foreclaws ; 1d6+2, Bite); SQ: Low-light Vision (Ex), Scent (Ex), Excellent Learner, Thick Skinned; AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +1; STR 19, DEX 19, CON 19, INT 2, WIS 12, CHA 10.
Skills: Hide +13, Jump +21, Listen +10, Spot +10, Survival +10.

Feats: Improved Natural Attack: Talon, Run.
Goods: Saddle, exotic military (60 gp).

Tricks: Attack x2 (including exotic), Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Stay

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Deckplans of the Sea Ghost (based on the Sea Ghost from "The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" by Dave J. Browne, copyright 1981, TSR Inc.) Posted by Hello

Friday, February 11, 2005

Dravago Wedding Warehouse
 Posted by Hello

Dravago Wedding Sewer
 Posted by Hello

Dravago Wedding Nightclub
 Posted by Hello

Adventures 11-13 - Dravago Wedding

PC Stat Blocks at Start of Adventure

Baqar, Male Halfling, Lightfoot Rgr3: CR 3; Small Humanoid (Halfling); HD 3d8+3(Ranger) ; hp 23; Init +3; Spd 20; AC:16 (Flatfooted:13 Touch:14); Atk +5 base melee, +7 base ranged; +8 (1d6+1, Longbow, composite ( +1 Str Bonus), Masterwork); +6 (1d8+1, Sharrash, Talenta, Masterwork); +6 (1d8+1, Tangat, Talenta, Masterwork); +7 (1d3+1, Dagger); +5 (1d3+1, Dagger); SQ: Action Points Dice Rolled 1, Action Points 6; RF: +2 Bonus on Saves vs. Fear, +1 attack bonus with thrown weapons; AL LG; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +4; STR 13, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 9.

Skills: Climb +3, Handle Animal +8, Heal +6, Hide +10, Intimidate +0, Jump -1, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Ride +11, Search +1, Spot +4, Survival +8, Use Rope +5.

Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sharrash, Talenta, Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Tangat, Talenta, Mounted Combat, Rapid Shot, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus: Handle Animal, Track.

Possessions: Weapons: +1 Arrow (47 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); +1 Arrow (47 gp); Arrows (20) (1 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Longbow, composite ( +1 Str Bonus), Masterwork (500 gp); Sharrash, Talenta, Masterwork (318 gp); Tangat, Talenta, Masterwork (340 gp).Armor: Leather (10 gp).Goods: Coin: gp (10) (10 gp); Antitoxin (vial) (50 gp); Backpack (2 gp); Bedroll (1 sp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Grappling hook (1 gp); Healer`s kit (50 gp); Holy symbol, silver (25 gp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Rations, trail (per day) (5 sp); Pouch, belt (1 gp); Rope, silk (50 ft.) (10 gp); Saddlebags (4 gp); Saddle, military (20 gp); Torch (3) (3 cp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Waterskin (full) (1 gp); Clawfoot (150 gp); Coin: pp (8) (8 pp); Torch (1 cp); Torch (1 cp); Alexandrite (500 gp); Amber (100 gp); Fintail tooth (3) (0 gp).Magic: Potion: Bull`s Strength (3) (300 gp); Potion: Cure Light Wounds (1) (50 gp); Potion: Cure Light Wounds (1) (50 gp); Potion: Cure Light Wounds (1) (50 gp).

Quarion, Male Elf, High Ftr1/Wiz2: CR 3; Medium Humanoid (Elf); HD 1d10(Fighter) , 2d4(Wizard) ; hp 15; Init +2; Spd 30; AC:16 (Flatfooted:14 Touch:12); Atk +4 base melee, +4 base ranged; +2/+3 (1d8+2, Longsword; 1d4+1, Dagger, Masterwork); +4 (1d8+3, Longsword); +4 (1d8+1, Longbow, composite ( +1 Str Bonus)); SQ: Immunity: Sleep Effects (Ex), Low-light Vision (Ex), +2 Saves vs. Enchantment Spells and Effects; AL CN; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4; STR 14, DEX 15, CON 11, INT 17, WIS 12, CHA 9.

Skills: Concentration +3, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +5, Decipher Script +5, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Listen +3, Ride +6, Search +6, Spot +4, Swim +6.

Feats: Armor Proficiency: heavy, Armor Proficiency: light, Armor Proficiency: medium, Point Blank Shot, Scribe Scroll, Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting.

Spells Known (Wiz 4/3): 0 -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue; 1st -- Burning Hands, Enlarge Person, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Ray of Enfeeblement, Repair Light Damage, Shocking Grasp.

Possessions: Weapons: Alchemist`s fire (20 gp); Arrows (20) (1 gp); Longbow, composite ( +1 Str Bonus) (200 gp); Longsword (15 gp); Dagger, Masterwork (302 gp).Armor: Mithral Shirt (1,100 gp).Goods: Coin: gp (7) (7 gp); Backpack (2 gp); Bedroll (1 sp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Ink (vial) (8 gp); Inkpen (1 sp); Explorer`s outfit (10 gp); Spell component pouch (5 gp); Spellbook, wizard`s (15 gp); Red garnet (3) (300 gp); White pearl (100 gp); Moonstone (50 gp); Coin: sp (3) (3 sp); Coin: cp (7) (7 cp).Magic: Potion: Bull`s Strength (3) (300 gp); Potion: Cure Light Wounds (1) (50 gp); Wand: Magic Missile (3) (Charges: 18) (810 gp); Wand: Repair Light Damage (1) (Charges: 44) (660 gp).

Second Story Jory, Female Human Rog3: CR 3; Medium Humanoid ; HD 3d6+6(Rogue) ; hp 19; Init +2; Spd 30; AC:14 (Flatfooted:12 Touch:12); Atk +3 base melee, +4 base ranged; +4 (1d6+1, Sword, short, Masterwork); +5 (1d4, Crossbow, hand, Masterwork); +4 (1d4+1, Dagger); +4 (1d4+1, Dart); SQ: Action Points Dice Rolled 1, Action Points 6; AL CN; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2; STR 12, DEX 15, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 12, CHA 14.

Skills: Appraise +6, Balance +8, Climb +7, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +6, Gather Information +3, Hide +10, Jump +6, Listen +4, Move Silently +10, Open Lock +10, Search +8, Tumble +7, Use Magic Device +4, Use Rope +7.

Feats: Armor Proficiency: light, Least Dragonmark, Nimble Fingers, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Stealthy.

Possessions: Weapons: Bolts, crossbow (10) (1 gp); Crossbow, hand, Masterwork (400 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Dagger (2 gp); Dart (5 sp); Dart (5 sp); Dart (5 sp); Dart (5 sp); Dart (5 sp); Dart (5 sp); Sword, short, Masterwork (310 gp).Armor: Leather (10 gp).Goods: Coin: gp (18) (18 gp); Backpack (2 gp); Grappling hook (1 gp); Rope, silk (50 ft.) (10 gp); Sack (1 sp); Thieves` tools (30 gp); Traveler`s outfit (1 gp); Pouch, belt (1 gp); Red garnet (2) (200 gp); Carnelian (50 gp); Azurite (10 gp); Moonstone (50 gp); Coin: cp (3) (3 cp); Coin: sp (16) (16 sp); Coin: pp (2) (2 pp).Magic: Potion: Cure Light Wounds (1) (50 gp); Potion: Invisibility (3) (300 gp).

Will Answer to Anything for I am no Longer at the Beck and Call of Man, Male Warforged Mnk3: CR 4; Medium Construct (Living Construct); HD 3d8+9(Monk) ; hp 26; Init +2; Spd 40; AC:16 (Flatfooted:14 Touch:14); Atk +3 base melee, +4 base ranged; +3 (1d6+1, Unarmed strike); +3 (1d6+1, Unarmed strike); +5 (1d6+1, Javelin, Masterwork); +4 (1d6+1, Javelin); +4 (1d6, Alchemist`s fire); SQ: Immunity: Poison (Ex), Immunity: Sleep Effects (Ex), Immunity: Paralysis (Ex), Immunity: Disease (Ex), Immunity: Fatigue (Ex), Immunity: Exhaustion (Ex), No Natural Healing (Ex), Immunity: Nausea (Ex), Vulnerability: Chill Metal (Ex), Vulnerability: Heat Metal (Ex), Vulnerability: Repel Metal or Stone (Ex), Vulnerability: Repel Wood (Ex), Vulnerability: Rusting Grasp (Ex), Can be raised or resurrected (Ex), Light Fortification (Ex), Action Points Dice Rolled 1, Action Points 6; AL LN; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5; STR 13, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 9.

Skills: Craft (Blacksmithing) -1, Hide +8, Jump +5, Listen +5, Move Silently +8, Perform (Dance) +2, Spot +3, Tumble +6, Use Rope +4.

Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Mobility, Stunning Fist.

Possessions: Weapons: Alchemist`s fire (20 gp); Javelin, Masterwork (301 gp); Javelin, Masterwork (301 gp); Javelin (1 gp); Javelin (1 gp); Alchemist`s fire (20 gp); Alchemist`s fire (20 gp); Alchemist`s fire (20 gp).Goods: Coin: gp (40) (40 gp); Warforged repair kit (50 gp); Block and tackle (5 gp); Crowbar (2 gp); Flint and steel (1 gp); Hammer (5 sp); Lamp, common (1 sp); Oil (pint) (1 sp); Piton (5) (5 sp); Rope, silk (50 ft.) (10 gp); Spade (2 gp); Whetstone (2 cp); Backpack (2 gp); Coin: sp (14) (14 sp); Coin: cp (11) (11 cp); Fintail tooth (2) (0 gp).Magic: Potion: Repair Light Damage (1) (50 gp); Potion: Repair Light Damage (1) (50 gp); Potion: Bull`s Strength (3) (300 gp); Potion: Bull`s Strength (3) (300 gp); Wondrous: Warforged Composite Armor (0 gp); Potion: Magic Weapon (1) (50 gp); Potion: Magic Weapon (1) (50 gp); Potion: Shield of Faith (1) (50 gp); Potion: Shield of Faith (1) (50 gp).

Dravago Wedding Part I
Played January 10, 2005
Dateline Sharn: 14 Dravago 999 (late spring – equivalent to mid-May)
Featuring Baqar, Jory, Metal Guy, and Quarion

Prominent Locations, NPCs and Organizations:

  • Sharn – Largest city of the country of Breland – and of the entire continent of Khorvaire. A vertical city, dominated by mile-high towers along several plateaus. Beneath the towers are vast sewers, ruins of older cities, and lakes of magma. On the west side are wharfs along the Dagger River, near its mouth, well below the rest of the city.
  • Axell Merikatick – Halfling tumbler in Hwan DeMarco’s circus. Taught Metal Guy how to dance.
  • Boromar Clan – Halfling-dominated organized crime syndicate in Sharn. Most powerful such organization in Sharn, though lately has been challenged by the Daask.
  • Daask – Goblinoid-dominated organized crime syndicate challenging the Boromar Clan.
  • Caatar – Gnome diviner who advises the Boromar on matters of intelligence and espionage.
  • Keshta – Gnoll enforcer in Daask. Noted for a long blond stripe going from his forehead down his back.

Capsule Summary

Dravago is a great month for weddings. At least it has been said. The flowers are in bloom. And a young halfling’s thoughts turn to love. When Metal Guy received an invitation to his friend from his circus days Axell Merikatick’s wedding, he, along with Baqar, Jory and Quarion, headed for Sharn. Meanwhile Kirin headed off into the Eldeen Reaches to discuss with her order recent discoveries about the Shadow Key.

Metal Guy, Baqar, and Quarion found themselves rushed to an event called a “bachelor party”, taking place in Dragoneyes, a red-light district among the lower levels of the tower city of Sharn. Jory helped Enara Boromar (the bride to be) and Bolinda Wolf (a shifter animal trainer) participate in the ritual of “ladies crashing the party” – Jory picked the lock to Hwan DeMarco’s (the owner of the circus) room, where she was able to see from his accounting files where the party was being held.

Baqar, Metal Guy, and Quarion found themselves with the wedding party on one of the many balconies on the outside of the nightclub – the largest one, not one of the small ones used for semi-private performances. Despite being on one of the lower levels of Sharn, the ground was still well out of sight. Out with them was Axell, Halfling tumbler and shadowdancer groom-to-be; Hwan DeMarco, human owner of the circus; Jamis, best man and fellow tumbler; Mecurial Might, half-orc strongman; and Halak Boromar, a cousin of the bride Enara – and the chief enforcer for the Boromar family. It turned out Axell was marrying into the most powerful crime family in Sharn.

Just as the ladies crashed the party members from the rival Daask crime family chose to attack – they were apparently not to pleased. A band of gnolls leapt from their flying carriage to the main balcony and the one just south of it. They were led by a deadly archer – a gnoll with a blond stripe running down his head. In a battle punctuated with leaps from balcony to balcony (including an embarrassing miss by a gnoll), Quarion fighting from his couch, Metal Guy sliding along the slippery nightclub floor, and near-falls to the death our heroes defeated the attackers – though not before two gnolls made off with Axell – and before theur leader jumped down only to be saved by a potion which made him light as a feather.

They did capture a gnoll prisoner who was not very forthcoming with information – though he did not seem to know all that much – his superiors seemed to feat he would talk if captured. A little persuasion yielded some information – their leader was one of Daask’s enforcers, named Keshta. He might know where Axell was being held. He would be assisting in the docks tomorrow (actually later this morning) with the unloading of illegal contraband. While they were having this conversation an anonymous letter arrived for Hwan:

My dear Mister Hwan DeMarco –

I have heard of that terrible attack upon that little gathering you had last night. It pains me to remind you of this, but I had warned you that this is precisely the type of violence this city is known for. If only you had employed our protection services, we would have been able to prevent this.

I am certain you now appreciate the value of the service we can bring. Being tireless workers, we have located the missing Halfling for you, as can be seen by the enclosed exhibit. I am certain you will choose to employ our services.

As a show of our good faith, we will return the Halfling to you at midnight. However, I must warn you those in my employ can be a little rough and can be known for damaging goods, especially if they are not paid. I am certain we understand each other.

PS – I am certain young Master Merikatick sees the danger in marrying into that dreaded family – I know if he survives he will want to call the wedding off. Should he survive, please help him arrive at this decision. Love so often blinds us to the right decision.

Within the letter was a finger, presumably Axell’s…

House Boromar quickly assigned their advisor and intelligence expert, a gnome named Caatar, to help our heroes – it would be monumentally embarrassing for the Boromars if Hwan were to give into such threats.

As the sun began rising, Caatar took them to the Boromar compound where he unsuccessfully used his crystal ball to scry for Axell, despite having his finger (which would normally assist such scrying). It was likely that the Daask had used some magic to cloak his location from divination, something any moderately skilled abjurer could do. However, he was able to use an arrow that Keshta had fired to located him – he was offloading a shipment of Dreamlily (an opiate from Sarlona) from the Orca. The name rang was familiar – a year ago our heroes had retrieved Sevrin Nhall, member of the Purifying Flame, from the Orca – and nearly burned it to the ground. Hopefully the small cash payment and letter of apology that Metal Guy had sent them afterwards would smooth things out…

Caatar explained to our heroes that the Boromar clan had ruled organized crime in Sharn for decades. However, in the last ten years the brutal Daask had been encroaching on them – led by monstrous immigrants from Droaam, it had been placing great emphasis on armed robbery, protection rackets, muggings, and assassinations. Rumor had it they had many hideous creatures in their payroll. Caatar had been designated as responsible for figuring out how to deal with them – he promised to reward the heroes if they helped him and retried Axell. He also equipped them with some healing potions to aid in their quest.

Descending down the cliffs to the docks of Sharn along the Dagger River, Baqar and Metal Guy headed for the Orca. Baqar had not been with our heroes when they last encountered the Orca and hopefully all warforged looked alike to the soft ones… Captain Curg, his memory jogged by some cash, indicated the Dreamlily had already been offloaded. However Keshta was probably eating at a local clam shack – he usually ate there when he had work at the docks to take care of.

Sure enough, they found Keshta there – accompanied by a pair of gnoll bodyguards. The gnolls fled, heading for an elevator at the end of an alleyway. Our heroes gave chase, easily taking out the bodyguards but having a much tougher time with Keshta. Keshta tried to bring down Baqar’s clawfoot mount fluffy. Baqar and Metal Guy took the lead, with Jory and Quarion unleashing rounds of crossbow bolts and magic missiles. Eventually they brought him down. Hopefully he would be willing to talk…

Keshta has a masterwork chain shirt [worth 250 gp, +4 armor bonus, armor check penalty of -1, maximum dex bonus +3, 20% arcane spell failure], a masterwork buckler shield [worth 165 gp, +4 shield bonus, 5% arcane spell failure], a masterwork composite longbow [worth 900 gp, requiring a strength of at least 20 to use effectively], a darkweave cloak [a coarse cloak with shadow interwoven with black threads worth 100 gp, gives wearer a +1 bonus to hiding in shadows or darkness], and 120 gold pieces. (He already had consumed a healing potion). You can sell equipment for half its value, though you need to wait for a break in the action to do so.


  • Six gnolls defeated in the opening scene. 450 experience points per character total.
  • Keshta was worth 1800 experience points or another 450.
  • Characters earned 900 XP for this adventure for a total of 5961 per character. You will reach 4th level at 6000 experience. (So close…)

Dravago Wedding Part II
Played January 24, 2005
Dateline Sharn: 15 Dravago 999 (late spring – equivalent to mid-May)
Featuring Baqar, Jory, Metal Guy, and Quarion

Keshta eventually did talk, but only onboard the Orca and only after she had left port – for some reason he feared retribution. He told them that Axel was locked away in an abandoned warehouse in the Cogs – the levels under the surface of Sharn. He told them accessible from the sewers and gave them directions. Via a manhole cover they had to work their way into the sewers, go through a drainage area, turn south at a T-junction, and enter the warehouse via a secret side-door. Guards – well of course there were a few gnolls at the wizard, along with a wizard who was blocking the scrying efforts.

Taking a jolly-boat back to Sharn, Baqar stopped off at an alchemist shop to purchase some healing potions. They then entered the sewers and found themselves walking through yucky poo-poo water – a ten foot wide stream of sewage. In short order they found two narrow walkways on either sides, with numerous sphincters which opened at seemingly random intervals, unleashing torrents of water.
As they walked along the south walkway Baqar and Jory spotted something in the distance. Metal Guy proceeded forward into the darkness with his torch to try to find who was down with them – it was a pair of gnolls. No, make that three, as Jory spotted a gnoll hiding in the shadows, awaiting the opportunity to ambush. The gnolls unleashed a stream of arrows, bolts, and daggers. One dagger that hit Quarion had a capsule filled with alchemist frost attached to it – as the dagger struck him, it froze the icky poo water to him – just in time to get knocked over by one of the torrents of water…

Eventually our heroes overcame their foes and prepared to rescue Metal Guy’s friend from his circus days. [Unfortunately the Dungeon Master was not feeling very well and had to end the session at that point.]


  • Yenarj, the leader of the gnolls in the sewers had a masterwork heavy repeating crossbow. It’s a handy weapon, with a magazine of five bolts that are easily reloaded with a free action (most heavy crossbows require a full-round action to reload). Unfortunately it requires an exotic weapon proficiency to use effectively (without it you have a -3 penalty at attack rolls with it – normally it would be -4 but masterwork weapons give a +1 attack bonus). It is worth 700 gold (350 if sold).
  • Yenarj also had a Masterowk Battleaxe. It is worth 310 gold (155 if sold).
  • Yenark also had a regular breastplate, worth 200 gold (100 if sold). It counts as Medium Armor with a maximum dexterity bonus of +2 and gives a +5 armor bonus.
  • Negiel, the gnoll rogue had a Masterwork Composite Shortbow, meant for people with a +2 (or higher) strength bonus. It is worth 525 gold.
  • She also had a Masterwork Short Sword worth 310 gold.
  • She has one remaining dagger (negligible value) but attached to it is a capsule of alchemist frost, allowing you to deliver both a dagger attack and an alchemist frost attack simultaneously. (I don’t have the cost of this handy – Mike is borrowing the Complete Adventurer, which features it – I believe it is under a hundred gold – similar capsules can be bought in specialty shops in Sharn.
  • And finally studded leather armor worth 25 gold.


  • Yenarj was gnoll fighter - Challenge Rating 2, worth 600 experience points
  • Negiel was a gnoll rogue – Challenge Rating 3, worth 900 experience points.
  • A remaining gnoll grunt was Challenge Rating 1, worth 300 experience points.

    That puts you at 1200 experience for the adventure, or 300 each. That is a total of 6261 experience, enough to gain fourth level – once you get a chance to rest and recuperate. (Since you are on a rescue mission that might have to wait a little while.)

Dravago Wedding Part III
Played February 7, 2005
Dateline Sharn: 15 Dravago 999 (late spring – equivalent to mid-May)
Featuring Baqar, Jory, Metal Guy, and Quarion

After much discussion our heroes worked their way to the secret door off of the sewer tunnel. It led to a narrow five foot diameter tunnel. They eventually reached the end of the tunnel and found a hatch in the floor. Opening the hatch they saw only darkness below. Quarion cast a spell at the darkness – not magic missile but dancing lights. The magical lights revealed a massive warehouse with metal balconies around. Before they could take in the entire scene an ogre peaked up. He met with a hail of arrows, crossbow bolts, and javelins. His own javelin throw fell short and he didn’t live long enough to fire a second one. As he fell a voice (sounding like a gecko with a sore throat) ordered our heroes to surrender the Shadow Key. Which they no longer had – it was in the hands of the Greensinger Druids.

Metal Guy quickly slid down the ladder (stumbling at the bottom when he tried to tumble off it) and inspected the surroundings. A metal walkway surrounded the room, with the warehouse floor thirty feet below. In the center a magically powered crane grabbed onto a crate and sent it flying towards him. The crate smashed into him slamming him against the wall. As he recovered he found himself under attack by gnolls. Baqar, with regret, left Fluffy behind as he slid down to assist Metal Guy while Quarion and Jory made use of missiles and magic.

The battle was going reasonably well for our heroes. Metal Guy got to show off his martial expertise, goading one gnoll on. However, at that point a wizard with a voice like a gecko with a sore throat, joined the battle. From the safety of the southern control room, protected by portcullis. A sleep spell sent Jory falling fifty feet below. Quarion climbed down to join the melee with gnolls. Jory barely had time to get up when a gnoll nearly decapitated her. Quarion and Baqar realized they could afford to wait to patch her up – such was their healing experise (either that or they were so involved in the battle they forgot to help her out.) Arrows flew. Eerily accurate crossbow bolts were fired by the wizard. Crates slammed against the balcony. While Metal Guy fished his friend Axel out of the crate grasped by the crane Quarion and Baqar finished off the wizard in a flurry of magic missiles and arrows, Baqar using one of his precious magic arrows.

Our heroes quickly evacuated by the service entrance they came in. As they emerged from the sewers a messenger delivered a note from Caatar – it warned them to seek shelter – House Boromar had sold them out to a halfing tribe from the Talenta Plains – apparently they felt they had claim to Fluffy. He also provided Quarion with the wizard Tiren Calave’s spellbook (the wizard they fought – he would have no need for his tome any longer). With that in mind they decided to rest and recuperate at Metal Guy’s Cliffside dojo.


Tiren had quite a bit of good stuff –

  • Probably of greatest interest was his spellbook.
    0 -- Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect
    Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message,
    Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of
    1st -- Alarm, Endure Elements, Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Ray of
    Enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Shield, Sleep, True Strike;
    2nd -- Arcane Lock,
    Melf`s Acid Arrow, Obscure Object, Protection from Arrows, Spider Climb, Web;
    3rd -- Dispel Magic, Nondetection.
  • Two bottles of alchemist’s frost (like a bottle of dried ice – a nice grenade) (25 gp each)
  • A +1 magic light crossbow (yay, a magic weapon! – worth 2335 gp)
  • 235 gp. Assuming you are spending 100 gp of it to get access to a 100 gp pearl to use Quarion’s identify spell to figure out what magic he had, so 135 left.
  • A portion of cure light wounds (50 gp – he had two but drank one)
  • Two scolls of nondetection (wizard spell, worth 425 gp each – good for blocking the location of someone from scrying…)
  • He had two scrolls of true strike but used them both…


  • Tiren was a fifth level wizard, Challenge Rating 5. Worth 1800 experience points.
  • There were six gnolls, each Challenge Rating 1. Worth 1800 total.

You earned a total of 3600 experience, or 900 each. Total experience earned each is 7261. More than enough for 4th level. 5th level is at 10000.