Adventure 03 - The Shadow Key
The Shadow Key
Played August 23, 2004
Dateline Sharn, 26 Dravago, 998 YK (Late spring)
Featuring Jory, Kirin, Metal Guy, and Quarion
Having captured Sevrin Nhall our heroes discovered the disadvantage to capturing members of conspiracies like the Purifying Flame – individual members tended to know very little. Sevrin Nhall knew nothing about the key save that it was “evil”. His orders were to take it to the city of Stormreach on Xen’drik where he would be contacted by another member of the Purifying Flame – apparently some sage named Cornellus Krenn would examine it – though whether for money or if he were a member of the Order, Sevrin did not know. Their final use of Sevrin Nhall was to turn him into the mainstream church of the Silver Flame – it turned out that Sevrin was in a bit of trouble with his church – a local bishop in Sharn paid for their passage back to the Eldeen Reaches and a potion of cure light wounds to each of them in return for their… discretion.
Not wanting to go to Xen’drik just yet, the heroes prepared for the trip to the Eldeen Reaches. Metal Guy went to his dojo, where Master Echo warned him about the fey he would encounter there – they were chaotic – the opposite of the Warforged who so often embraced order. Yet they could dance, which he might find of interest.
Three days on the lighning rail (coach class) took them to the opposite end of Breland, Sword Keep, over a thousand miles from Sharn – at the border of the Kingdom of Aundair. The next day took them to the City of Passage along the picturesque shores of Lake Galifar. They booked passage on a mundane sailing ship piloted by a Dragonmarked member of House Lyrandar. Four days later they were at the town of Delethorn in the Eldeen Reaches. And here their passage slowed considerably. They joined with a caravan to take them to the capital “city” of Greenheart, deep within the Towering Wood. It took them another month navigating their own paths through the forest to the Twilight Demense – a beautiful but strange region of forest which was a Manifest Zone with Thelanis, the Faerie Court – meaning the boundaries between the land of Eberron and that of the fey was very thin.
It was the night of the 15th day of the month of Barrakas (late summer) when they returned they arrived on a celebration being presided by one of the lead Greensingers, the druidess Erin. Much mead flowed and much dancing commenced – though perceptive eyes noticed the party which greeted our heroes acted far more intoxicated than they truly were – they knew Kirin well and had met the warforged monk, but Jory and Quarion were strangers to them. Nevertheless Erin was grateful for the return of the Key and all were welcome to the celebration. The guests were a mix of fey and more traditional beings. One oddity happened during the night – a leprechaun expressed interest in Metal Guy’s time spent with Hwan’s Traveling Circus – especially the shadow dancing Halflings. The leprechaun was interested in knowing that the circus knew nothing of the key…
The next morning Erin suggested that they might be interested in gaining more information about the Key. She mentioned that Ian Grenhol, a shifter, lived rather close. He was a very learned man and had been corresponding with his sister about the Key - his sister, Kerrine, had lived in Cyre and was also a scholar – apparently Ian had learned much about the Key from her. However, she, like nearly everyone else in the Kingdom of Cyre, was killed on the Day of Mourning back in 994. Since then Ian had withdrawn from the Greensingers – and everyone else for that matter.
His home being nearby, the heroes decided to pay Ian a visit. However, all was not well – they saw signs that he had been attacked – careless sword marks etched into trees near his home, broken branches, etc. Their confirmations were confirmed when they reached his home – a small compound consisting of a small house, a barn, an outhouse, a courtyard, and a hedge surrounding it all. Quarion and Beak both spied a pair of goblins atop the roof of his house. Pretending not to notice they closed and then launched a preemptive strike. Quarion and Kirin opened fire with their bows. Jory ran around the compound from behind, seeking to climb up the house. Metal Guy sprinted towards the house. In the battle which followed two more goblins emerged – one from the barn (Quarion noted that goblins seemed to have a fondness for barns) and another materialized from an invisible state, trying to backstab Metal Guy. Our heroes triumphed, though Kirin and Quarion were badly hurt and had to use potions to heal themselves. Also, Metal Guy was locked in an epic battle with the goblin who had materialized – neither could land a blow, but he did keep him distracted long enough to let Quarion slay him with a single arrow shot…
In the barn they found a badly beaten Ian – apparently the goblins had known about his correspondence with his sister and had been gathering information on the Key. They hailed from the savage realm of Droaam. Ian told them what he knew of the Key – rumor had it a band of fey, millennia ago, dabbled in dark magicks – shadow magic. This Key supposedly led to their source of power – or a lost city. Or a prison of the shadow fey. It depended on what version of the tale you believed. His sister, Kerrine had gathered quite a bit of information about the Key – he was going to visit her but was never able to, owing to the Day of Mourning. The other expert on such matters was a sage named Cornellus Krenn. Ian told them the location of his sister’s home, should they dare to brave the Mournland…
Loot, Experience, and other notes:
Played August 23, 2004
Dateline Sharn, 26 Dravago, 998 YK (Late spring)
Featuring Jory, Kirin, Metal Guy, and Quarion
Having captured Sevrin Nhall our heroes discovered the disadvantage to capturing members of conspiracies like the Purifying Flame – individual members tended to know very little. Sevrin Nhall knew nothing about the key save that it was “evil”. His orders were to take it to the city of Stormreach on Xen’drik where he would be contacted by another member of the Purifying Flame – apparently some sage named Cornellus Krenn would examine it – though whether for money or if he were a member of the Order, Sevrin did not know. Their final use of Sevrin Nhall was to turn him into the mainstream church of the Silver Flame – it turned out that Sevrin was in a bit of trouble with his church – a local bishop in Sharn paid for their passage back to the Eldeen Reaches and a potion of cure light wounds to each of them in return for their… discretion.
Not wanting to go to Xen’drik just yet, the heroes prepared for the trip to the Eldeen Reaches. Metal Guy went to his dojo, where Master Echo warned him about the fey he would encounter there – they were chaotic – the opposite of the Warforged who so often embraced order. Yet they could dance, which he might find of interest.
Three days on the lighning rail (coach class) took them to the opposite end of Breland, Sword Keep, over a thousand miles from Sharn – at the border of the Kingdom of Aundair. The next day took them to the City of Passage along the picturesque shores of Lake Galifar. They booked passage on a mundane sailing ship piloted by a Dragonmarked member of House Lyrandar. Four days later they were at the town of Delethorn in the Eldeen Reaches. And here their passage slowed considerably. They joined with a caravan to take them to the capital “city” of Greenheart, deep within the Towering Wood. It took them another month navigating their own paths through the forest to the Twilight Demense – a beautiful but strange region of forest which was a Manifest Zone with Thelanis, the Faerie Court – meaning the boundaries between the land of Eberron and that of the fey was very thin.
It was the night of the 15th day of the month of Barrakas (late summer) when they returned they arrived on a celebration being presided by one of the lead Greensingers, the druidess Erin. Much mead flowed and much dancing commenced – though perceptive eyes noticed the party which greeted our heroes acted far more intoxicated than they truly were – they knew Kirin well and had met the warforged monk, but Jory and Quarion were strangers to them. Nevertheless Erin was grateful for the return of the Key and all were welcome to the celebration. The guests were a mix of fey and more traditional beings. One oddity happened during the night – a leprechaun expressed interest in Metal Guy’s time spent with Hwan’s Traveling Circus – especially the shadow dancing Halflings. The leprechaun was interested in knowing that the circus knew nothing of the key…
The next morning Erin suggested that they might be interested in gaining more information about the Key. She mentioned that Ian Grenhol, a shifter, lived rather close. He was a very learned man and had been corresponding with his sister about the Key - his sister, Kerrine, had lived in Cyre and was also a scholar – apparently Ian had learned much about the Key from her. However, she, like nearly everyone else in the Kingdom of Cyre, was killed on the Day of Mourning back in 994. Since then Ian had withdrawn from the Greensingers – and everyone else for that matter.
His home being nearby, the heroes decided to pay Ian a visit. However, all was not well – they saw signs that he had been attacked – careless sword marks etched into trees near his home, broken branches, etc. Their confirmations were confirmed when they reached his home – a small compound consisting of a small house, a barn, an outhouse, a courtyard, and a hedge surrounding it all. Quarion and Beak both spied a pair of goblins atop the roof of his house. Pretending not to notice they closed and then launched a preemptive strike. Quarion and Kirin opened fire with their bows. Jory ran around the compound from behind, seeking to climb up the house. Metal Guy sprinted towards the house. In the battle which followed two more goblins emerged – one from the barn (Quarion noted that goblins seemed to have a fondness for barns) and another materialized from an invisible state, trying to backstab Metal Guy. Our heroes triumphed, though Kirin and Quarion were badly hurt and had to use potions to heal themselves. Also, Metal Guy was locked in an epic battle with the goblin who had materialized – neither could land a blow, but he did keep him distracted long enough to let Quarion slay him with a single arrow shot…
In the barn they found a badly beaten Ian – apparently the goblins had known about his correspondence with his sister and had been gathering information on the Key. They hailed from the savage realm of Droaam. Ian told them what he knew of the Key – rumor had it a band of fey, millennia ago, dabbled in dark magicks – shadow magic. This Key supposedly led to their source of power – or a lost city. Or a prison of the shadow fey. It depended on what version of the tale you believed. His sister, Kerrine had gathered quite a bit of information about the Key – he was going to visit her but was never able to, owing to the Day of Mourning. The other expert on such matters was a sage named Cornellus Krenn. Ian told them the location of his sister’s home, should they dare to brave the Mournland…
Loot, Experience, and other notes:
- Three of the goblins were Challenge Rating 1/3. Defeating all three gave you 300 experience points total. The leader was Challenge Rating 1, giving you another 300 experience points. That is 150 each, bringing each of you up to 888 experience points – so close to 1000 for 2nd level…
- Each party member gained a potion of cure light wounds. Kirin and Quarion both used one.
- The goblin leader had two potions of invisibility. He used one. Jory took the other.
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